
Up in the clouds

I was bored. So I ended up doing this. 4 hours more and I'm out of this office!!
(Stole this from Mun :p)

1. Three days from now, will you be a in relationship?

♥ Absolutely not, but who knows? who REALLY knows? :)

2. What color are your eyes?
♥ Very dark brown

3. What does your second text say?
♥ Text where? here? my HP? details~

4. How do you think your latest ex feels about you?
♥ Ohh he hates me & wants to kill my every existence HAHAHA (only to those who knows me can understand)

5. Do you like what you see in the mirror?
♥ Seriously, I don't really know. One minute I'm satisfied. The Next, I want to shoot that face! haha Jk~

6. What are you listening to right now?
♥ Uhhh this particular song??

7. What were you doing 46 seconds ago?
♥ I did this

8. What are your plans for this weekend?
♥ Miri trip with kawan-kawan..!! =D

9. Who are your best friends?
♥ her, him, them...

10. How is your room looking?
♥ My clothes are everywhere. It's not looking good. AT ALL.

11. Ask anything ridiculous lately?
♥ Like..."Bah, I want to go to Vietnam now. Can I?? You pay I go"

12. What are you doing tomorrow?
♥ Work. Work. Certainly cook after work.

13. What is your display name?
♥ Kyrana HS

14. What are you wearing right now?
♥ Baju kurung & Blue Tudung

15. What were you most looking forward to today?
♥ Sungkai? :p

16. How is your hair?
♥ Its healthy and getting longer

17. As of today, do you like anyone?
♥ Hmmm...No

18. Have you kissed anyone on the lips within the past 24 hours?
♥ Naheyy...

19. Have you ever stayed awake for 48 hours?
♥ I could barely stay awake for a few hours let alone 2 days!

20. Did you stay friends with your ex?
♥ Why would I stay friends with someone who wants to kill me? HAHAHA xp

21. Do you like your first name?
♥ Cahaya~ ouh yes I do. :)

22. Do you like to cuddle?
♥ Cuddling is nice. Sure I like it.

23. What are your initials?

24. Ever been skinny dipping?
♥ nope

25. Do you want someone back?
♥ Yes and No

26. What is your biggest fear?
♥ Not being good enough as a human being & losing something that I value most

27. What is one thing you have learned this year?
♥ Be strong on your own. In the end you only have yourself & Allah & No one else. Friends aren't always around as much as you'd think & family will ALWAYS come first.

28. Are you from a small town?
♥ Small indeed

29. What are your favorite stores?
♥ None. Nada. Nayy.

30. Why do people continue to smoke when they know the effects of it?
♥ Alum kana alum jara~ :p but I don't know really hehe

31. What color are the curtains in your room?
♥ Is it pink? or somewhat that color? hmm

32. If you had the chance, would you move to another country?
♥ yes and no

33. What time did yu get up this morning?
♥ 4 am..sahur...

34. Eyeliner or mascara?
♥ eyeliner

35. Do you have siblings?
♥ 5 of them

36. What color pants are you wearing?
♥ I'm not wearing any

37. Do you wear jewelry 24/7?
♥ beads bracelet

38. What kind of food is your favorite?
♥ ambuyat or anything Kampung :D

39. Can you whistle?
♥ only in one note or two

40. What was the last movie you watched?
♥ Journey to the centre of the earth

41. What color is your coat?
♥ Not wearing any *sigh*

42. Do you have a laptop or desktop?
♥ lippingtup

43. If you were pregnant, would you want it to be a boy or girl?
HAHA both. Twins. Boy & a girl.

44. Would you ever get a noticeable tattoo?
♥ Never

45. Are you wearing shoes?
♥ Not right now.

46. What is the temperature?
♥ Hangat nyantaa. Antah mengapakah ya upis ani.

47. Have you ever been to counseling?
♥ Yes

48. Are you annoyed right now?
♥ Not really. no

49. What kind of cell phone do you have?
♥ Nokia

50. Do you like incense or candles?
♥ Candles. Designed ones :)

51. What is your new years resolution?
♥ For next year? Waayyyy too long of a list