In memory of...
I just found this picture from Abg's camera. The story behind this? HAHAHAHA well..
Once upon a puasa night..Abg got bored so he wanted to play badil and looked for some stuff to blow up. He came across the chicken in the rubbish bin & you know the rest..KABOOM!! there ends the short life of the lifeless chicken.
The chicken belonged to Afif. He cried hysterically at the sight of his beloved chicken in...pieces? No..that's not the word. It was in.....UGLINESS. I should have felt sorry and comforted my little brother but I decided then that laughing was much, much, much better. Babah was alsmost mad at us cause we made Afif cry. He stopped at "Apa lagi kamu buat...." and stared at the chicken. He got silent for only a fraction of a second as if deciding whether to laugh rolling on the floor or just laugh. Afif's face was flooding with tears and his nose began to get....umm...gooey. And worse yet at the sound of our endless "joy". Poor chicken. The saddest thing I could think of regarding that chicken was..we will NOT miss him.
The morals of the story are:
Always remember that brothers are 90% weird and the little ones will find a way to love their dolls even when they didn't even notice it was in the rubbish bin before it got blown up.
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